
Sunday, 16 January 2011

crimson fingers

a soil veined with longing
her blood is milk-white and filled
with birds
stirring/with a sound like a last-breath
her thighs sobbing
she wakes and waits
her breath licks the window-glass
but still his face does not appear


  1. Wonderful blog you have here! I'd like to say, thank you for visiting mine.

    These words carry such beautiful sadness, graceful, too, I should say. True poetry, especially the image of breath being "milk-white" and "filled with birds."


  2. Been missing your words, like a heavy nostalgia. These words, phrases; arranged so intricately, are incredibly powerful: I can feel the longing like the sun; fiercer than a lion.
    I hope all is well, dear C.
    Lots and lots of love, always: xxx

  3. Knocked the breath out of me. x

  4. thank you for your lovely comment!
    I was pretty sure I already followed you, but am so happy to be visiting your blog again, your words and images are awe inspiring. "her thighs sobbing" evokes so many interesting images. x...x
    Casie Jean

  5. Wow. Again, you have my attention from the moment I step into your world. This was such a beautiful, poetic, mysterious piece. I love the way you weave your imagery, with such a silky, seamless manner. Never stop writing <3 xxxx

  6. Dreamy, wistful, like out of a Victorian novella. xx

  7. Oh my, this is simply stunning dear! You have such lovely words.

    xx and hugs


  8. Such lovely words. x

  9. such longing.
    i love this.

  10. Such a delicate, yet passionate, yearning is portrayed in this! It is ever so beauteous.

    And I was wondering, since you love North and South, have you ever seen Cranford or Wives and Daughters? Those are two other Elizabeth Gaskell novels BBC did adaptations of which I love. :)

  11. Hello lovely Char! I've missed you too! :) Hope life is treating you splendidly! Love the carefully crafted words in this post; you're so creative! xoxo

  12. Thank you for the very kind words. I was wondering how you are just yesterday.. I'm glad I haven't been forgotten and that my words finally reached you there, somewhere on the other side of the world. I am waiting for your reply impatiently, dear friend.


    ps wish me luck in my art history exams this week!

  13. "her blood is milk-white and filled
    with birds"
    Most enchanting and imaginative words! Your writing is wonderful.

    Thankyou for your comment, you are so kind. I have seen the movie Bright Stat, its how I find out and fell in love with the poet, he is my favourite, ever ever ever.

    That scene you like is beautiful:)

    xx Carina

  14. My darling Char, I have missed you.
    Your words are beautiful as always.
    I was thinking about you, so I wrote you a letter last week. I hope you got my letter. I like that you thought about me too.
    I love you.


  15. absolutely vivid and touching!! love your verses!!

  16. Wow. Your writing is spectacular.

  17. Stunning, you come up with the most lovely things! I also wish i could wear flowers in my hair everyday like in the photo.
    Thank you also for your lovely comment about my collars, it was so very encouraging too :)
    Hope you carry on posting your lovely thoughts.

  18. beautiful text and that photo is wonderful!

  19. Beautiful description of that elusive feeling of longing. I adore "her breath licks the window-glass", how much I can relate to that!

  20. Hey! I just wanted to say your comment made my day :) and i have to agree my friend, seems like we do have a lot in common YAY maybe someday we will meet and be the best of friends haha.
    And yes Edward Sharpe was even better live, he was the best!
    I really enjoy your blog its very pretty.
    Thank you yet again for your kind words!

  21. Oh I'm so happy you got it! Incredible. After all this time! :)


  22. i have missed your words.
    they are magical as always.

  23. Incredible...

    ps: I have given you an award in my latest post, dear. I do hope you like it :)

  24. Dear Char, I never before noticed that I am on your list of blogs. Thank you very much. I have likewise added you to mine. Your beautiful blog always leaves me wondering and starry-tongued. x

  25. love your blog!


i hold each note from you
like glitter in my palms ♥